Sunday, October 24, 2010

The future of E-Learning

In broad terms, one can say that education and technology are intertwined together where ones educational experience is constantly being enhanced and improved through the use of technology. Nowadays, it is commonly said that in the near future, every person will experience the need to learn how to use technology in order to improve his/her education. In the meantime, those left out from such technological transition are in a risk of experiencing alienation and isolation from the rest of the society. These people very often feel left out and are labeled as the ‘non technological’ people.

Admit or not, the internet has contributed in making the acquiring of new knowledge quicker and vast. Never-ending volumes of information and knowledge are just a click away. Now, every student has the ability to roam around on the internet and benefit from by increasing and stimulating more his creativity.

Moreover, the idea to emerge e-learning with the training portfolio is becoming increasingly popular. Nowadays e-learning has become accepted as an effective educational tool within the schools. Adding to this, it is believed that in the near future, new approaches will be used as well such as wireless and 3G which will make the flexibility aspect more possible. Thus, it is up to each teacher and educational instructor to learn how and when to use this new phenomenon and facility to its best advantage. The main aim is to initiate students’ motivation and make them feel engrossed in the educational experience.

How reliable is the content presented on the internet? Standards were set with the prime intention so as to ensure that all data on the web is described in the correct way and gives the relevant useful information that is useful to the user. Otherwise the whole concept of the semantic web becomes irrelevant. Pre-set standards are fundamentally important so as to guarantee that the information presented on the internet is compliant and follows all the required specifications and requirements.

If these standards are respected and overhauled, quality of data is enriched and thus e-learning will be even more encouraged to be incorporated within the organizations and schools.

Significant indications show that as more people are getting connected online, the internet will get further infiltrated into one’s life. As a consequence this will result in a greater need to incorporate education over the internet. The fact that e-learning is getting cheaper to implement and more technology platforms and tools are becoming accessible, all this promotes more the realization of social learning.

References and further relevant readings:

E-learning is future? Accessed from:

Spender, D. (2002). E-Learning and its future. Global Summit 2002. Accessed from:

The future of e-learning is social learning. Accessed from:

1 comment:

  1. Yes I agree perfectly with what you wrote. I agreed especially when you said that “it is up to each teacher and educational instructor to learn how and when to use this new phenomenon and facility to its best advantage”. Teachers more than other should continue on their training in order for themselves not to be alienated from technology.

    I believe also that media literacy should be a compulsory subject in schools because as you said there is a lot of information but not all students know which is which. We should teach them how to evaluate information in order to gain the full potential of the web information.


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